Nicholas Barnes


Real people. Real results.  

What can I say? I highly recommend anyone wanting to get back into shape or even someone wanting to tweak their normal exercise routine to try one of Litis class or contact her about personal training.

Liti has been an integral part of my fitness routine for years, and a large part of the reason I keep going back to her is her infectious enthusiasm for what she does.

It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is, usually early morning in my case, inside or outside, in the dark or in the rain or wind, Liti is always there with a happy smile quickly followed by a mischievous grin about what it is she had prepared for us unsuspecting exercisers. But whatever mad form of exercise she has cooked for us it is when it’s over you always realise,

  1. she helped you do more than thought you could,

  2. you have done more than you would have alone (or if you stayed in bed or gone straight home from work)

  3. you had fun. 

Ultimately, I keep going back to Liti because she makes exercise fun and you can’t keep up a proper exercise routine unless you are having fun. Try one of Liti’s classes and you won’t regret it.


Nella Powell


Belinda Ricketts